This latest attempt to re-brand Nigeria, I’m not sorry to say, is dead on arrival. We’ve been through this road over and over again and it beats me why we are still doing this like we don’t already know how it will end. The last time we re-branded, complemented with a logo, was during late President Yar’Adua’s regime.
Where is ‘Great people, great country’ today? It turned out to be what it was – an effort in futility. It was Albert Einstein who defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Here we go again wasting the same time and resources like yesterday. Change begins with me? That’s not totally true. There are elements that are critical to durable change and providing them does not rest with the people. These elements are, but not limited to, investing in human capital, building strong partnership, developing existing infrastructure as well as creating new ones, providing basic sound education to the masses, investing in technology and trying out new initiatives.
As is, Nigeria does not have these. Putting these things in place is where change begins and providing them is not the responsibility of the people; it is governments. Change cannot begin with a civil servant who earns N18,000, feeds his family, pays rent and still sends his children to school from that meagre pay. It is almost like a miracle how they do it, especially in today’s Nigeria. The living condition of your average policeman is a blot on the landscape. It is disgraceful for someone whose job it is to protect the rest of the citizenry. I’m sorry, but Change cannot begin with these ones. It’s time to realize our aspirations and for that to happen, it is vital that good roads are put in place so that the farmer can take his produce to the market.
It is vital that electricity is made available to the citizenry so they can be more productive-so that they can get to their full potentials. So that businesses and factories can function unimpeded. It is vital that basic education is provided to our children, so we do not have to have to battle with Boko Harams and avengers tomorrow. It is vital that people get access to clean water so they do not get ill from consuming contaminated water. To realize our aspirations, it is important that people feed. Change cannot begin with a people who lack most of the basic necessities of life.
Change cannot start with the people, when trucks and trucks of grains meant to feed the helpless and hapless in our IDP camps go missing without explanation. Without anybody brought to book. Make an example out of these cold blooded thieves and see change. People will think twice before robbing the feeble. We are in an increasingly complex world where the pace of change is accelerating. I hope that the government knows it must re-invent the way of doing business. The patience of the man on the street is wearing thin. This government has to start to provide what the people want and when they want it, irrespective of whatever pressure it faces.
We are in dire straits. We are not blind to that fact and the fact that this government is facing enormous challenges. Everybody saw this coming what with the kleptomania of the last six years. The question however is – is the government responsive, flexible and creative enough? Is the government seeking opportunities and developing strategies to confront the barrier? These, if they exist, are yet to be felt.
What the government needs to do, especially in today’s Nigeria, is build relationships with the people, not upset them with some utterances. This re-branding is out of order. That is not to say we, the people, do not have a role to play. It is our duty to support this government in whatever way we can. If it fails we bear the brunt. We all have a stake in this. Aiding and abetting criminality in every sphere of our lives is getting to be a norm. For example, I find it somewhat ludicrous that people who contributed to putting us where we are today are being hounded and the same citizen who bore the brunt of their atrocities most, stand in their defence.
It defies logic! I mean, we cannot be self-appointed defenders of the corrupt and expect a better today and tomorrow. We need to be better people so our country can achieve its bounteous potentials. It is time to start to provide the change that was promised the people, not the other way round.
Chiechefulam Ikebuiro
Where change really begins