Writer Donald Ekpeki Oghenechovwe said the last good book he read is ‘David Mogo: Godhunter’ by Suyi Davies. “His exploration of Yoruba mythology is thorough,” he said. “The magic system is interestingly complex. He is a great storyteller, and his tale is masterfully woven, the kind of stuff I aspire to write someday. What better way to improve one’s writing than by reading such a book? Suyi does godpunk, something I am interested in.”
Oghenechovwe is 2019 winner of the Nommo Award for Best Speculative Short Story by an African for ‘The Witching Hour’. His novelette titled ‘The Diary of The Dark Child’ got an honourable mention in the second quarter of the Writers of the Future contest 2018. He was also winner of the Imbube Creative Writing Contest 2017.