Nyazabe Dantala Ali (Artist)
Why Men Don’t Listen and Women Can’t Read Maps
By Barbara and Allan Pease
Artist Nyazabe Dantala Ali said his last good read is Barbara and Allan Pease’s ‘Why Men Don’t Listen and Women Can’t Read Maps’. “It’s a very popular book,” he said. “I loved it because it talked about why men and women act the way they do, looking at it from both the psychological and emotional perspective.”
On Amazon, ‘Why Men Don’t Listen and Women Can’t Read Maps’ is described as the “answer to all the things you’ve ever wondered about the opposite sex.” Also, that “for their controversial new book on the differences between the way men and women think and communicate, Barbara and Allan Pease spent three years traveling around the world, collecting the dramatic findings of new research on the brain, investigating evolutionary biology, analysing psychologists, studying social changes, and annoying the locals.”
Ali is a multi-dimensional artist and poet. His latest project includes using car tires to make furniture.