One of the things that I get asked the most frequently is what should businesses share on social media, which sparked these Social media ideas you can use to connect with your audience.
1. Business Tips, 2. Humor/Relatable, 3. Inspiration/Motivation, 4. Open-Ended Questions
5. Offers and Deals, 6. Behind the Scenes/Sneak Peeks, 7. Opinions, 8. Industry News, 9. Fill in the Blanks, 10. Strike Up a Conversation, 11. Testimonials, 12. Open Q&A’s, 13. Polls, 14. Caption a Photo, 15. Make Predictions, 16. Crowd Source Ideas, 17. Current Events, 18. Highlight Your Customers
19. Tech Tips or Tools
People love tools and they love tech tips. These tips can be things that will shorten the learning curve, shorten the timeline of something or give you a way to do it in a shorter period of time, or do something that you couldn’t have done otherwise because you don’t have the skills. Graphic design, for example.
20. Advice
It doesn’t have to be your advice, but if you have some great advice and you feel like it is valuable then share your advice!
You could share something that you learned from a mistake you made. It doesn’t have to end in a success, although it could be a success.
21. Think Out Loud
This is one of the things that I do quite frequently. Something will be said on social media and it will make me think of something else or it will make me spawn an idea or something.
Thinking out loud, whether it is a rant or whether it is just a thought in the moment, should be shared on social media.
Some will say, “Do you put a filter on that?” That is up to you. Sometimes with rants you might want to step back from it for ten minutes or count to ten and say, “Deep breath,” before you put it out there.
Every rant I have ever done has driven tons of engagement. Just saying.
22. Recommend Others to Follow
You can do this on a weekly basis and in a number of different ways. Do it as a blog post. Put it out on Twitter.
Whatever the case it, recommendations are huge.
They can be helpful as everybody has people in their niche that they might want to share with their community.
23. Debunk Myths
There are always things out there that people assume to be true when they are not true. Take the time and say, “Guys, this isn’t true or isn’t always the case because of…” whatever it is. Debunk those myths!
24. Share Video or Audio Clips
Now, we see people sharing video pretty frequently, but you don’t hear people say, “You should be sharing audio tips or audio clips.”
Those are just as impactful. In fact, maybe in some cases more impactful. If someone is on their phone and they can’t watch something, they still might be able to listen to something. Absolutely share video and/or audio clips.
25. ASK!
ASK your followers what their biggest pain points are. You will get incredible feedback from this.
Plus, if you know what your audience, your tribe or your community struggles with and you craft your products and your services to address those pain points, when it comes time to sell stuff, oh my goodness guys, you are in so much better shape because you already know people want it.
Source: Photo: Mike Lieberman/ follow @sinach360 and @daily_Trust