- Do not be afraid to fail.
You have to move outside of your comfort zone. Resumes that include failures are great proof that you have taken the necessary risks in your journey. Often, women are more affected by failure and let it affect their confidence. Don’t let it. Failure is an inevitable part of success from which you can learn.
- Get feedback.
Feedback is critical to validate your business. Competitive research can also help you understand what customers want.
- Keep learning.
The key to growth, innovation and success is knowledge. Every successful entrepreneur is an avid learner. In fact, the average CEO reads up to 60 books a year..If you don’t like reading, try audio books.
4 Ask for what you need.
As you navigate through your business, you will come across resources that you need ranging from capital to knowledge. Figure out what you need at each stage and ask everyone. It is often the most unlikely people that will give you the insight you are looking for.
- Minimise negative people.
You will meet a lot of doubters and people who do not get or understand your vision. Try to avoid these people or at least any work conversation with people that do not inspire you to move forward.
- Network. Network. Network.
If you want to build a large and successful business, you cannot do it alone. You need to get over your fear of rejection and network like it’s your job. The amount of collaboration and connections that can be gained by a large but close network is invaluable.
- Be confident.
Believe you can do it and you are most of the way there. It is important to maintain confidence and believe that the rocky journey is worth it, because the world needs your impact.