With the backdrop of poor knowledge about neuro-developmental disorders and enormous challenges sufferers and their families face in the country, Dr. Austin Amaechi, a complex adaptive systems (CASs) researcher and manager, has written a book about the condition.
Titled ‘Neuro-developmental Disorders: Enhancing Everyday Life – Non-Existent Therapeutic Services in Nigeria, let’s do something about it,’ the book explores the concept of neuro-developmental disabilities, how to understand and treat autism spectrum disorder, and advise for government, healthcare providers as well as parents and families of sufferers.
The 355-page book will be launched at the International Conference Centre in Abuja on April 10. President Muhamamdu Buhari and stakeholders across government and non-government circles are expected to attend the event.
In a statement yesterday, Dr Amaechi who has spent 10 years engaged in following, talking and writing about autism-related lived-experience and research said there has been an increase in the prevalence of autism in the last few years.
“From my experiences, parenting children on the spectrum is a lot like parenting anyone. You worry, you obsess, you see your child as frozen in developmental time and, on many an occasion, you underestimate yourself and your child. If you are apparent in that unplanned journey of life, I want to tell you that you are not alone. Naturally, any parent would feel guilty when a loved one is diagnosed,” he said.
He said there is no government intervention program available for sufferers and families of children and people suffering from neuro-developmental disabilities, adding that comprehensive care for children with neuro-developmental disorders requires coordination across education, health, and social developmental service systems.