The prestigious Harvard University- Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts is currently hosting her inaugural conference on “Ecological Spiritualities”.
Highlight of the conference include presentations and workshops exploring evolution of earth-based spiritual traditions and highlighting innovative spiritual practices that are emerging in response to the painful realities of climate change, mass extinction, biodiversity loss, and the disruption of local and global ecosystems.
Speakers at the conference were professors from a variety of theoretical, methodological and interdisciplinary approaches, religious traditions, and geographical regions, so as to create a space for open discussions and a fruitful opportunity for deep learning among scholars and others who care about the intersection of spirituality and ecology.Prof. Ikechukwu Anthony Kanu, OSA, the President of the Association for the Promotion of African Studies and a Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Tansian University, Umunya, and also a Catholic Priest was invited from Nigeria to present a paper at the Harvard University Inaugural Conference on African Eco-spirituality as an Indigenous Response to Modern Ecological Crisis.
He is the editor of three books that are fundamental to ecological studies in Africa. The books include: African Eco-Philosophy: Cosmology, Consciousness and the Environment; African Ecological Spirituality: Perspectives on Anthroposophy and Environmentalism; African Indigenous Ecological Knowledge Systems: Religion, Philosophy and the Environment; African Eco-Theology: Meaning, Forms and Expression