Following the reversal in power grid stability, the Association of Power Generation Companies (APGC) has called on the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) to reintroduce a spinning reserve that could be used to save the grid from collapse.
The Executive Secretary of APGC, Dr Joy Ogaji, in a statement yesterday said the grid disturbances are because of the difference between power generation and load demand causing the grid frequency to rise above 50 hertz (Hz).
Just between Monday and Tuesday, Nigeria recorded three collapses causing nationwide power outages.
The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) had applied in 2020 that NERC added about 200 megawatts (MW) spinning reserve procurement to the transmission tariff as ancillary service.
However, NERC, considering outcries on tariff hike, has not added that for years. The last time a spinning reserve was called to the grid was in 2015 when the system used to have multiple collapses. However, collapses had reduced since 2020 with four then and two occurring last year.
“Operating Reserve is an ancillary service. This ancillary service shall be considered mandatory. The system operator shall contract for Operating Reserve to enable it to always operate the transmission system securely,” APGC cited the Grid Code.
Without the spinning reserve, APGC said the GenCos have to be adjusting their voltage rating which was already affecting their turbines and putting many in maintenance mode.
“For the GenCos, the absence of the spinning reserves has not been in their best interest. The instability of the grid has forced the GenCos’ machinery to perform below the designed capacity and this has translated into huge financial implications, especially in the light of the cost of generating the electricity that is not fully utilised,” APGC noted.