Bayo Onanuga, a spokesperson of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu during the campaign, has appealed to Nigerians to exercise patience amidst the recent increase in fuel prices.
Daily Trust reports that condemnation has continued to trail the recent petrol price increase from N540 to N617 per litre.
In a tweet on Wednesday night, Onanuga cautioned against making intemperate attacks on the Tinubu-led administration in response to the fuel price hike.
He emphasized the need for patience and understanding, as the entire nation is collectively facing the impact of the fuel price increase.
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The veteran journalist urged the public to await the palliatives promised by the federal government, expressing hope that these measures would alleviate the burden caused by the higher fuel prices.
He highlighted the potential benefits that would stem from subsidy savings, with more funds being channeled into states for various developmental initiatives.
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