A criminal syndicate led by a 19-year-old Shamsiyya Adamu, has been uncovered by police with the arrest of the principal suspect and five others following reports of theft of mobile phones and other valuables in the Unguwa Uku, Tarauni Local Government.
Police spokesman, SP Abdullahi Haruna Kiyawa, said the arrest followed numerous reports to the command from residents about a young woman who steals mobile phones in residential buildings. The woman, Kiyawa said, used a commercial tricyclist and a suspected cybercriminal to aid her operations.
According to the police, the syndicate led by Shamsiyya specialised in deceiving housewives to steal their mobile phones and empty their bank accounts.
Other suspects arrested alongside Shamsiyya are Idris Yusuf, 23, the commercial tricycle rider who transport members of the syndicate, Alhassan Dahiru, 24, who disposed the stolen items, Abdulmajid Haruna, 27, who buys the stolen items and Salim Auwalu, 21, who hacks into their victim’s bank accounts.
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Items recovered from the syndicate included six mobile phones and other exhibits.
The arrest of Shamsiyya and members of her gang generated debate on social media with some users suggesting that the suspects should be reprimanded but rehabilitated and made to acquire skills to fend for themselves instead of subjecting them to severe punishment after which they may return to the same turf.