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Celebrate the Prophet (SAW), live by his teachings

Today is the 14th day of Rabiul Awwal, the third month in the Islamic lunar calendar in which Prophet Muhammad, Salla-llahu Alayhi Wa-Salam (SAW) was born. Although the main celebration of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s birthday is traditionally held on the day of his birth, 12th Rabiul Awwal in 570AD, the whole month is devoted particularly by followers of Muslim Sufi orders to celebrate the greatest human personality described by Michael Hart as the most influential man in history. Thursday October 29, 2020 which was equivalent to 12th Rabiul Awwal 1442AH was officially declared a public in Nigeria to mark this year’s Eid ul-Maulid. Hart writes “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both religious and secular level”.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) whose sayings and deeds constitute the second of the two primary sources of legislation in Islam (coming after the holy Qur’an) remains a perfect model sent as mercy to mankind of all ages. The 6th century Jahiliyyah society of Makkah in which he was raised was no less depraved than the 21st century Nigerian society. However, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through his perfect model of character was able to replace the corrupt, immoral and profligate way of life of the immediate audience of his divine yet universal message with a cultured pattern of life. Honest adherence to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s orthodox teachings and traditions is one reliable path of salvaging our society from its critical social ills.

Describing the personality of the seal of prophet-hood, Allah (SWT) asserts in Qur’an 33:21 “Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day…” The entirety of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s character is the foundation of decent, peaceful and prosperous life in this life and the hereafter. Our collective failure to live by the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is a big factor that cannot be isolated for many of our current socio-economic challenges.


Imam Bukhari and Muslim both relate on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (RA) that Abdurrahman bn Sakhri (RA) said he heard the Prophet (SAW) say “Avoid what I have declared forbidden to you, and adhere to what I encouraged you to do as far as you are able …” Abu Daud and Imam At-Tirmidhi both relate on the authority of Abu Najih (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) once admonished them saying “… Take care and observe my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs; holding on to them with your molar teeth…” Sadly, some Muslims in contemporary times seem to prioritize personal whims or indigenous customs over prophetic traditions.

The virtues of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are too many to be discussed exhaustively within the space allowable by a newspaper column. Many of the Prophet’s admirable attributes are discernably implied in many of his sayings. For example, Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s virtuous qualities of trust in Allah (SWT), optimism and contentment are all inferred in the hadith related by Imam At-Tirmidhi on the authority of Abdullahi bn Abbas (RA) in which the Prophet (SAW) said “… Hold fast on to Allah and you will find Him ever before you. If you have any need to ask, ask from Allah. If you must seek help, seek help from Allah. Know that even if the entire (human) community makes a united effort to benefit you in any matter, they would not be able to benefit you in anything except that which Allah has prescribed for you; nor were they to make a united effort to harm you in any matter, they would not be able to harm you except what Allah has prescribed for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages are dry”.

Rather than believe that Allah is the Source and Provider of all things, some Muslims today prefer to surrender their fate to the futile thoughts and fraudulent hands of oracles as if the power to make or unmake lies with them. Such men and women would have helped themselves if they had any power to help others out of any predicaments, and thus, wouldn’t be there in the first place to receive you as a client. It is because they also need someone’s help that they craftily invite others to enable them ‘squeeze’ some bucks out of their clients. It is most unfortunate that the nearest call center for some Muslims each time they are faced with one life challenge or the other is to run to the house or den of a soothsayer. Many people do this in nearly all matters that concern their wellbeing including those related to child-bearing, illness, political appointment, business prospects, job opportunities, accession to power, marriage choices, etc. Any recourse to fortune-tellers in the search for a solution to any challenges is a route to poverty, weakened faith, retrogression, and sometimes to the destruction of family bonds.

A world full of envy, wickedness, malice, hate speech, discrimination, betrayal, intolerance and bigotry is not a reflection of the teachings of the Prophet (SAW) who said in a hadith related on the authority by Imam Bukhari and Muslim that “None of you is a true believer until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself”. People who do not revere or live in peace with their neighbours are very unlike the Prophet (SAW). Similarly, any social human group that does not treat strangers with cordiality lacks any semblance of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s community. Imam Bukhari and Muslim both relate on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (RA) that “… Let whosoever believes in Allah and the Last Day honour his neighbour. Let whosoever believes in Allah and the Last Day honour his guest”.

Succeeding in this stormy life requires a lot of patience. The guiding principle of most fulfilled men and women as husbands and wives and as fathers and mothers is the effort to always put their anger under control. Imam Bukhari relates on the authority of Abu Hurayarah (RA) that a man once asked the Prophet (SAW) to admonish him. The Prophet (SAW) accordingly said: “Do not get angry”. The man repeated the request several times but the Prophet (SAW) only answered “Do not get angry”.


Update: In 2025, Nigerians have been approved to earn US Dollars as salary while living in Nigeria.

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