For anyone on this planet, 93rd birthday anniversary calls for celebration and gratitude to God. In the case of His Excellency, Ambassador Ignatius Olisemeka, CON, who clocked 93 today, there are reasons why the celebration should be special.
Firstly, he is healthy in mind and body. Secondly, by longevity, he is the visible ancestor, otherwise known as ‘Diokpa’ of Ibuza Town, Delta State. Lastly, Ambassador Olisemeka belongs to that rare class of blessed persons who, at their old age, are privileged to sit back and reminisce on their endeavours, challenges and the proverbial great heights they attained.
I imagine Ambassador Olisemeka today sitting in front of his house on the plains of the River Niger basin relishing his work relationship with all the rulers of our country from the time of the last British Governor-General of Nigeria and the late Prime Minister Alhaji Tafawa Balewa all through to the end of the military regime under General Abdulsalami Alhaji Abubakar, GCFR, in 1999.
Diokpa Olisemeka was Nigeria’s Ambassador to such key diplomatic missions as Washington, DC., the Vatican’s Holy See and Tel Aviv in the State of Israel. At home, he served as a Director of Studies at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) during the formative years of the institution, and in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he served in an unsurpassed manner as Director-General, Permanent Secretary and finally as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Olisemeka’s unblemished performance in these positions attests to his standing as the most accomplished career foreign service officer of Nigeria in the 20th century.
Lawrence Agubuzu, Traditional Ruler, Ezema 010 Kingdom, Enugu State