Trevor Noah, the award-winning comedian from South Africa and host of American TV show, ‘The Daily Show’ on Comedy Central has released a children’s version of his New York Bestselling book, ‘Born a Crime.’
The book which was earlier published in 2016, is Noah’s autobiography and has garnered such critical acclaim. It has sold a lot of copies worldwide and is expected to sell even more with an edition fit for younger readers.
“Excited to announce that @randomhousekids have adapted my book for younger readers! IT’S TREVOR NOAH: BORN A CRIME, is out TODAY! You can order it online with link in my bio! #ItsTrevorNoah,” the comedian wrote in an Instagram post announcing the book.
The young readers’ adaptation of the adult memoir is titled, ‘Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood.’ It also spots a brand-new cover with a similar illustration as the adult version, but with a more childlike feel.