Cleaning the home can be a herculean task. It is not a job to be left for the woman alone but all family members living in the home should help take care of the home they live in. Almost everyone can do something, even small children can be involved in taking care of their corner.
While no one will change overnight, incorporating certain tips into your daily life will make the home tidy. Remember that dust will not just disappear until someone does the cleaning.
Tips to clean the home
1. Clean up any and all messes immediately. You will get into the habit of doing this after a while. Once you walk away from a mess, chances are that you won’t go back to it.
2. Make a habit of cleaning up as you go! This saves time and keeps your home clean and organised. Washing dishes as you cook or finish eating works great and prevents the large pile to wash after the meal.
3. Take a few minutes a day to clean your home. It’s a tempting thought to try to clean the entire house all at once, and if you can do that, great! However, most don’t have that much time that they can set aside on any one day. Instead, start with the kitchen and bathroom. These are two rooms that should always be clean and sanitary. Make it a goal to clean those two rooms and keep them clean. Then work on the rest of the home. Once you have a room clean and organized, make an effort to keep it clean as you go so that it stays that way.
4. Keep a bag or box for items that you no longer use or need. This includes clothes, toys, books and whatever is in your home that’s not being used. Keep everything labeled as you put it in the bag and discard them by giving them out; sell them, and trash the bad ones. The idea here is to declutter.
5. Clean during commercial breaks. Public holidays or weekends are a good time to do some cleaning. Let there be division of labour where everyone handles one chore or the other to keep the home clean.