Democracy is universally acknowledged as the best form of government as it is emancipatory and guarantees popular participation, freedom in all aspects, peace and security, protection and preservation of human rights. A country that is practicing this form of government is supposed to be bound by the above mentioned attributes.
Nigeria, as a country practicing such a system for the past 39 years, is supposed to have been democratic vibrant. Apparently, the problem of ethnic and religion rivalries remains the most virulent factor militating against the entrenchment of democratic values through which a true and sincere national leadership can evolve to bring the people with differences together and fulfill their collective aspirations.
These political vague has taken the mind of even the electorate. During every election year, as a democratic state, candidates under different political parties emerged, seeking to be elected into different public offices. After all the primaries, it is annoying when one understood that the candidates were elected not because they deserve it, but because of the political party they registered under.
Every right thinking Nigerian clamours for change in the political atmosphere and always wishing and hoping that one day, Nigeria will find a good leader and be better. When it comes to election, the right sense of electing the right person into power is evacuated in the mind of many for the sake of political party supporting.
In a democratic society, every citizen has the right to vote and to be voted for. Free to vote any candidate from any political party. Ethnicity often intrudes rudely into Nigerian politics due largely to the ethnic consciousness that was developed over centuries off the colonial and post-colonial history of the country leading to electorate electing a party into power rather than a person. This factor is a potent threat to the Nigerian federation.
For the change which people are clamouring for finds root into Nigerian politics, the electorate must change their ideology of party supporting to election of the right candidate irrespective of political affiliation.
Do not define the goodness in people by their political parties. Not all that glitters is gold. Do not be carried away by the wind of political party, understand the manifestos of the political parties and the capability of their aspirants.
Nigeria is our nation, the decision on who hold which office is largely rested on the electorate. We should make the right decision in order to have a better democratic republic of Nigeria.
Never vote because of political party, vote because the candidate deserved it. Together we make a better Nigeria.
Maryam Daniel Balami, University of Maiduguri